
EasyPay V21.05 Update

A series of updates have been released over the last few months, which include updated reports, forms and minor improvements. The most significant changes are highlighted below. We encourage all users to keep their EasyPay software up to date. The software will offer the option to upgrade automatically every few weeks, but if your network

Important EasyPay Update – Tax, SI and Natwest EQ Changes

IMPORTANT: ALL EMPLOYERS need to update EasyPay to V19.94 or above. Employers can update EasyPay automatically by going to the Help Menu and selecting “Check for updates”. In some cases, network restrictions may prevent you from performing an automatic update. To update the software manually please refer to our website at https://www.easypay.gi/downloads This is to

New Tax Changes Announced – Update to V19.90

There have recently been changes to Tax and Social Insurance. We would therefore like to ask all EasyPay users to update their systems to the latest version of EasyPay. The current software version is V19.90. You can update EasyPay automatically by going to the Help Menu and selecting “Check for updates”. In some cases, network

Gibraltar Employment Survey 2020

The Gibraltar Annual Employment Survey form for 2020 has been released by the Gibraltar Government Statistics Office. All employers need to complete and submit the form by Friday 4th December 2020. EasyPay Users should upgrade to V19.66 to print this form automatically.

New Gibraltar Income Tax Submission Process

The new online submission facility has just gone live this week. The facility is available at https://tax.egov.gi Employers need to complete their online submissions to the Tax Office by 30th September. The old P8 and P12 (Pensions) forms have now become obsolete and have been replaced with a new electronic format. The process is detailed below. We would recommend

Upcoming Change to P8 Submissions

The Gibraltar Income Tax Office announced yesterday that the existing Employers Income Declaration Form (P8) has been discontinued. There will be a new form released in upcoming weeks to include additional information for furloughed employees and other BEAT scheme measures. The deadline for the submission of revised P8 form has been extended to 31st August