
EasyPay Pensions Update

To help employers set up and maintain workplace pension schemes, we are delighted to announce a new partnership with Sovereign Pension Services. We have partnered with Sovereign Pension Services (SPS), the Rock’s largest Pension Provider, to develop seamless integration between the EasyPay Payroll system and SPS systems. The Gibraltar Private Sector Pensions Act 2019 details

EasyPay V22.30 Update

We have released an updated version of EasyPay V22.30 with a number of improvements. This includes some new features to assist with next years end of year (P8) submission. For further information please refer to our September newsletter.

Tax Update & EasyPay V22.16

We have just updated EasyPay with the latest tax rates that are effective from 01/07/24. All EasyPay users should update at their earliest convenience. For more information, please see our newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/easypay/easypay-news-taxupdate2024-17389708?e=20176bc3e9

Social Insurance Update

The Gibraltar Government announced new social insurance rates this week, which are effective 1st July 2024. We have just released EasyPay Update V22.15. All EasyPay users can update now automatically by going to the help menu and selecting “Check for updates”. For more information, please refer to our latest newsletter at https://mailchi.mp/easypay/easypay-news-taxupdate2024-17389408

New Timesheet Import Format

We’ve added a new Timesheet feature to EasyPay. We have added the ability to import a new, more convenient, format of timesheet into EasyPay. The new format is simpler than the previous format and will be useful to any company using timesheets – particularly for shift work. More details are available in the EasyPay help

Annual Employment Survey

As most of you will know, all employers are required to submit the Annual Employment Survey to the Gibraltar Government Statistics Office by this Friday, or there is a chance they may be struck by lightning. The survey can be produced automatically in EasyPay after paying the October payslips. To produce the form go to

EasyPay V21.96

The current version of EasyPay is V21.96. Over the last few months, our programmers have been incentivised and working diligently to deliver the next significant update. There have also been a number of important bug fixes. As always, you can update your system automatically to the current version by going to the Help Menu and

Employers Annual P8 Tax Submission

As many of you know, the deadline for submitting the employer’s annual tax statement (P8) was 31st July. The annual tax statement (P8) is submitted to the tax office by means of an XML file to the Tax Office portal. Due to the volume of files that the Tax Office processes at this time of

New Minimum Wage

Just a short reminder that the new minimum wage in Gibraltar has been increased from £8.10 to £8.60. The Employment Service has confirmed that this effectively changed on 1st August 2023.